Posts Tagged ‘Feminism & Womanism’

Actual Cookies


For actual rewards for those people who commit one actual act of not being a sexist. Those people do get a reward after all. The cookies were made by 52 Acts and you can see the whole set here. via Feministe.

First, there was this advert from the US for a combination razor/bikini trimmer, the Schick Quattro Trimstyle for Women:

Derailing for Dummies. Anyone who spends more than thirty seconds reading comment sections on websites that aren’t devoted entirely to white straight able-bodied cisgender males will be familiar with tactics like these. But it’s not just for the universally privileged. I consider myself part of some marginalised groups (for example, women), and I read a […]

Anyone who still wishes to believe that the photographs in women’s magazines, adverts, and so on bear any resemblance to reality should probably not watch this.

Today is Ada Lovelace Day, an international day of blogging to draw attention to women excelling in technology. This is my contribution. (If you don’t think mathematics should be included in “technology”, you’re probably not using very good technology.) During my final year of my mathematics undergraduate degree, a group of us used to spend […]



On Tuesday morning, my car battery was completely flat. It’s an old car, passed down through a whole bunch of people who only owned it for a couple of years, so I imagine the battery isn’t in great condition. Monday was a public holiday and I didn’t drive anywhere. And the last week or so […]