Archive for April, 2009

Actual Cookies


For actual rewards for those people who commit one actual act of not being a sexist. Those people do get a reward after all. The cookies were made by 52 Acts and you can see the whole set here. via Feministe.

It turns out the BNP has a manual – a book of Hate for Dummies, if you will. And someone leaked it to the BBC. BNP activists and writers should never refer to ‘black Britons’ or ‘Asian Britons’ etc, for the simple reason that such persons do not exist”. Now defining British nationality is tricky, […]

The Guardian has put together some word clouds for the Budget speeches for the years 1998-2009 (i.e. the speeches given by Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling as Chancellors). The more frequently a word is used in the speech, the bigger it appears in the cloud. It makes for interesting glancing for those of us who […]

So apparently there’s a Miss USA beauty pageant. I hadn’t been following it, for any one of a million reasons, but then Renee at Womanist Musings drew my attention to one of the contestants, Miss California, and her views on gay marriage.

Sarah Haskins works her magic again. Featuring some of the ads from this post! (via Feministe.) And in the same vein, The Onion. Do not read with coffee.



I’m not much of an art connoisseur, but sometimes I come across pieces that are clever, or entertaining, or thought-provoking. These pictures are all three. They’re taken by Peter Funch, a Dutch artist who spends two weeks taking photos of passers-by on specific street corners in New York, and then composites the photos in a […]

Dear Amazon


I am writing to express my displeasure that your website has dropped a large number of books related to LBGT issues from your sales rankings. I understand that this is purportedly to remove “adult” content from easy view. However, I find it profoundly disturbing that Amazon feels that books like “Daddy’s Roommate” by Michael Willhaite […]

It’s sobering to realise that I will never again be as fit as I was at the age of 15. Back then, I was training 12-14 hours a week (for a school sports team, no less – we worked hard), as well as walking a mile a day as part of my journey to school. […]

First, there was this advert from the US for a combination razor/bikini trimmer, the Schick Quattro Trimstyle for Women:

Derailing for Dummies. Anyone who spends more than thirty seconds reading comment sections on websites that aren’t devoted entirely to white straight able-bodied cisgender males will be familiar with tactics like these. But it’s not just for the universally privileged. I consider myself part of some marginalised groups (for example, women), and I read a […]